Quick Notes of Important Viruses for Microbiology Students 

Properties of some important viruses for microbiology students, including morphology, infection, incubation time, symptoms, assay, antiviral drug.

1Small Pox (Variola Virus)Size: 400-240-100 Nucleic Acid: DNA Envelope: Present Antigen. LSNo animal reservoir, Virus enters through the respiratory mucosa multiples in draining lymph nodeAbout 12 daysFever, skin rash in buccal mucosa ten skin, maculopapular rash in face to trunk. Maculopapular>macules>papules>vesicles>pustulesInfected epithelial cellsMicroscopic Examination of epithelial cell, Culture in CAM, Kidney cell Culture, detection of viral antigenMethimazole (Prophylaxis)Live attenuated from calf lymph
2Herpes SimplexSize: 50-200 nm Nucleic Acid: dsDNA Envelope: Present Antigen: attachment protein (gD, gC, gD), fusion protein (gB), Structural protein (gC, gE, gI)Secretion and lesion of mucosal and cutaneous surface3-6 daysHSV-1; Vesicles formation under the layer of keratinized squamous epithelial cells, encephalitis HSV-2; GTI (Genital Tract Infection), meningitisVesicle fluid, Vesicle swabMicroscopic: >1% toluidine blue(aq) or by Giemsa’s stain Culture: CAM (Chorioallantoic Membrane) or Human Embryonic Tissue or Hella Cells. Antigen Detection:  PCR test for viral DNA Serology: ELISA, CFT, Neutralization TestAcyclovir (within 72 hrs); orally or parenterally Tropical OnintmentNo
3HepatitisSize: A/B/C = (27/42/40) nm Nucleic Acid: A/B/C = (+ssRNA/dsDNA/+ssRNA) Envelop: A/B/C =(No/Yes/Yes) Antigen: B/C = (HBsAg, HBcAg, HBeAg/E1, E2, P7, NS)A= Faeco-oral B/C= Parental sexualA= 15-50 days B= 45-160 days C=14-180 dayssHAV; Fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, hepatomegaly HBV/HCV; Chronic Hepatitis and Liver CancerHAV; faces HBV/HCV; Blood, Body SecretionAntibody; HAV; Detection of anti-HAV IgM by ELISA or radioimmunoassay, presence of IgG denotes recent or past infection and immunity. Antigen: Detection of HBsAg by ELISA and Rapid test kit, Latex agglutination test, Elevation of glucuronic transferase & bilirubin Detection of anti-HCV IgG by ELISA or IgG, IgM, Rapid Test Kit  
4MumpsSize: 100-300 nm Nucleic Acid: -ssRNA Envelope: Present Antigen: NH, NInhalation16-18 daysMalaise, anorexia, fever, enlargement, of parotid and salivary glands with painSecretion of throat / Urine /CSFMicroscopy: Immunofluorescence Culture: Primary Monkey Kidney or Hep-2 cell culture Serology: ELISA, HI, IgG or IgMNoLive attenuated Vaccine
5Measles Rubella)Size: 100-250 nm Nucleic Acid: -ssRNA Envelope: Present Antigen: H, F, CD46, CD150Respiratory droplets8-12 daysHigh fever Coryza(runny nose), Conjunctivitis, Cough, Koplik’s spot (small red spots with a bluish white center on the buccal mucosa)Nasopharyngeal and conjunctivital swab, blood, respiratory secretion, urineAntigen Detection: Immunofluorescence, Giemsa’s stain, PCR Culture: Human fibroblasts, monkey kidney cell or Human Cell Line Serology: ELISA, HI, CF, Nt test > IgMNoLive attenuated Vaccine
6InfluenzaSize: 80-120 nm Nucleic Acid: -ssRNA Envelope: Present Antigen: M1, M2, HA, NAAerosol generated by Cough and sneezes1-4 daysFever, chills, headache, dry, Cough, generalized myalgiaNasal washing, gargles, throat swabAntigen detection: In exfoliated cell by ELISA, PCR, RIA Culture: egg inoculation (11-13 days old), tissue culture, Monkey kidney cell, human embryo kidney cell) Serology: Hemagglutination inhibition or complement fusion or ELISA  Amantadine(rimantadine) Zanamivir, Oseltamivir70% effective Inactivated Vaccine, Live virus vaccine
7  HIVSize: 90-120 nm Nucleic Acid: +ssRNA Envelope: Present Antigen: gp41, gp120, p9, p17, p7, p24, p15, p55, p18, p31, p55, p66STD, Semen and vaginal discharge, breast feeding, blood1-10 yearsPneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma 10% wight loss, diahorreaBloodSpecific test= Serology test: ELISA(Antibody), Western Blot (Antigen), Rapid tests (Antigen, Antibody) Test for Virus Components: assay of p24 antigenemia, detection of virus nucleic acid, Virus isolation. Non-Specific test: Blood cell count, Hyper gammaglobulinemia, opportunistic infectionZidovudine, Didanosine, Zalcitabine, LamivudineNo
8RotaSize: 65-70 nm Nucleic Acid: +dsDNA Envelope: Antigen: VP4, VP7Faeco-oral route1-3 daysNonbacterial cause of diarrhea in infant and children, Vomiting, watery diarrhea fever and abdominal pain leading to dehydration.stoolELISA(Antibody), Electron Microscopy, PCR(RNA)NoLive attenuated
9PolioSize: about 28 nm Nucleic Acid: Envelope: Antigen: VP1, VP4, C, DIngestion of contaminated food or waterAbout 10 daysFever, malaise, headache, drowsiness, constipation, sore, throat, nonparalytic and paralytic poliomyelitis, EncephalitisPharyngeal aspirations and stoolCulture: Primary monkey kidney cell, HeLa and Hep-2 Electron microscopy: Virus particleNoSalk’s killed polio vaccine, Live attenuated oral polio vaccine
10RabiesSize: 76-175 nm Nucleic Acid: -ssRNA Envelope: Present Antigen: NS, N, LBites of rabid dog, cat, rat etc.10 days to 3 monthsWounds on face and neck, fever, malaise, headache, photophobia, nausea, vomiting, sore, throat, encephalitis, (in 80%), paralytic (in 20%)Saliva, cornea impression smear or skin biopsy, brain and skin tissueDetection of antigens: Rapid direct, Immunofluorescence test using monoclonal antibody. Culture: Hamster, mouse cell lines, CNS inoculation of mice. Serology: Immunofluorescence or Neutralization test (Antibody)FavipiravirNeural Vaccines: Semple vaccine, β propiolactone vaccine. Non Neural Vaccine: Human diploid cell vaccine, Rabies, vaccine, adsorbed, purified chick embryo cell vaccine
Virus Information

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